Gary J. Murakami, Ph.D.
10gen (the MongoDB company)
"mongodb" : "relational db",
"database" : "database",
"collection" : "table",
"document" : "row",
"field" : "column",
"index" : "index",
"sharding" : {
"shard" : "partition",
"shard key" : "partition key"
"_id": int,
"first_name": string,
"last_name": string
"_id": int,
"username": string,
"password": string
"_id": int,
"title": string,
"slug": string,
"author": int,
"available": boolean,
"isbn": string,
"pages": int,
"publisher": {
"city": string,
"date": date,
"name": string
"subjects": [ string, string ],
"language": string,
"reviews": [
{ "user": int, "text": string },
{ "user": int, "text": string }
> db.authors.findOne()
_id: 1,
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald"
> db.users.findOne()
_id: 1,
username: "",
password: "slsjfk4odk84k209dlkdj90009283d"
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
available: true,
isbn: "9781857150193",
pages: 176,
publisher: {
name: "Everyman's Library",
date: ISODate("1991-09-19T00:00:00Z"),
city: "London"
subjects: ["Love stories", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
language: "English",
reviews: [
{ user: 1, text: "One of the best…" },
{ user: 2, text: "It's hard to…" }
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
available: true,
isbn: "9781857150193",
pages: 176,
publisher: {
name: "Everyman's Library",
date: ISODate("1991-09-19T00:00:00Z"),
city: "London"
subjects: ["Love stories", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
language: "English",
reviews: [
{ user: 1, text: "One of the best…" },
{ user: 2, text: "It's hard to…" }
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
available: true,
isbn: "9781857150193",
pages: 176,
publisher: {
publisher_name: "Everyman's Library",
date: ISODate("1991-09-19T00:00:00Z"),
publisher_city: "London"
subjects: ["Love stories", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
language: "English",
reviews: [
{ user: 1, text: "One of the best…" },
{ user: 2, text: "It's hard to…" }
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
available: true,
isbn: "9781857150193",
pages: 176,
publisher: {
name: "Everyman's Library",
date: ISODate("1991-09-19T00:00:00Z"),
city: "London"
subjects: ["Love stories", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
language: "English",
reviews: [
{ user: 1, text: "One of the best…" },
{ user: 2, text: "It's hard to…" }
> db.books.findOne()
{ _id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
available: true,
isbn: "9781857150193",
pages: 176,
publisher: {
name: "Everyman's Library",
date: ISODate("1991-09-19T00:00:00Z"),
city: "London"
subjects: ["Love stories", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
language: "English",
reviews: [
{ user: 1, text: "One of the best…" },
{ user: 2, text: "It's hard to…" }
// db.users (one document per user)
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
username: "bob",
email: ""
// (one document per review)
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
user: ObjectId("…"),
book: ObjectId("…"),
rating: 5,
text: "This book is excellent!",
created_at: ISODate("2012-10-10T21:14:07.096Z")
// db.users (one document per user with all reviews)
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
username: "bob",
email: "",
reviews: [
{ book: ObjectId("…"),
rating: 5,
text: "This book is excellent!",
created_at: ISODate("2012-10-10T21:14:07.096Z")
// db.users (one document per user)
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
username: "bob",
email: ""
// db.books (one document per book with all reviews)
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
// Other book fields…
reviews: [
{ user: ObjectId("…"),
rating: 5,
text: "This book is excellent!",
created_at: ISODate("2012-10-10T21:14:07.096Z")
author = {
_id: 2,
first_name: "Arthur",
last_name: "Miller"
* The `_id` field is unique and automatically indexed
* MongoDB will generate an [ObjectId]( if not provided
> db.authors.find({ "last_name": "Miller" })
_id: 2,
first_name: "Arthur",
last_name: "Miller"
> db.books.ensureIndex({ "slug": 1 })
> db.books.find({ "slug": "the-great-gatsby" }).explain()
"cursor": "BtreeCursor slug_1",
"isMultiKey" : false,
"n" : 1,
"nscannedObjects" : 1,
"nscanned" : 1,
"scanAndOrder" : false,
"indexOnly" : false,
"nYields" : 0,
"nChunkSkips" : 0,
"millis" : 0,
// Other fields follow…
> db.books.ensureIndex({ "subjects": 1 })
> db.books.ensureIndex({ "": 1 })
review = {
user: 1,
text: "I did NOT like this book."
{ _id: 1 },
{ $push: { reviews: review }}
> db.books.remove({ _id: 1 })
authors = db.authors.find({ first_name: /^f.*/i }, { _id: 1 });
authorIds = { return x._id; });
db.books.find({author: { $in: authorIds }});
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
author: {
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald"
// Other fields follow…
Queries are now one step
> db.books.find({ author.first_name: /^f.*/i })
review = {
user: 1,
text: "I thought this book was great!",
rating: 5
> db.books.update(
{ _id: 3 },
{ $push: { reviews: review }}
* Document size limit (16MB)
* Storage fragmentation after many updates/deletes
// (one document per user per month)
{ _id: "bob-201210",
reviews: [
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
rating: 5,
text: "This book is excellent!",
created_at: ISODate("2012-10-10T21:14:07.096Z")
{ _id: ObjectId("…"),
rating: 2,
text: "I didn't really enjoy this book.",
created_at: ISODate("2012-10-11T20:12:50.594Z")
myReview = {
_id: ObjectId("…"),
rating: 3,
text: "An average read.",
created_at: ISODate("2012-10-13T12:26:11.502Z")
{ _id: "bob-201210" },
{ $push: { reviews: myReview }}
cursor =
{ _id: /^bob-/ },
{ reviews: { $slice: 10 }}
).sort({ _id: -1 });
num = 0;
while (cursor.hasNext() && num < 10) {
doc =;
for (var i = 0; i < && num < 10; ++i, ++num) {
cursor =
{ _id: "bob-201210" },
{ $pull: { reviews: { _id: ObjectId("…") }}}
> db.subjects.findOne()
_id: 1,
name: "American Literature",
sub_category: {
name: "1920s",
sub_category: { name: "Jazz Age" }
* How can you search this collection?
* Be aware of document size limitations
* Benefit from hierarchy being in same document
> db.subjects.find()
{ _id: "American Literature" }
{ _id : "1920s",
ancestors: ["American Literature"],
parent: "American Literature"
{ _id: "Jazz Age",
ancestors: ["American Literature", "1920s"],
parent: "1920s"
{ _id: "Jazz Age in New York",
ancestors: ["American Literature", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
parent: "Jazz Age"
> db.subjects.find({ ancestors: "1920s" })
_id: "Jazz Age",
ancestors: ["American Literature", "1920s"],
parent: "1920s"
_id: "Jazz Age in New York",
ancestors: ["American Literature", "1920s", "Jazz Age"],
parent: "Jazz Age"
// Create a new loan request{
_id: { borrower: "bob", book: ObjectId("…") },
pending: false,
approved: false,
priority: 1,
// Find the highest priority request and mark as pending approval
request ={
query: { pending: false },
sort: { priority: -1 },
update: { $set: { pending: true, started: new ISODate() }},
new: true
_id: { borrower: "bob", book: ObjectId("…") },
pending: true,
approved: false,
priority: 1,
started: ISODate("2012-10-11T22:09:42.542Z")
// Library approves the loan request
{ _id: { borrower: "bob", book: ObjectId("…") }},
{ $set: { pending: false, approved: true }}
// Request times out after seven days
limit = new Date();
limit.setDate(limit.getDate() - 7);
{ pending: true, started: { $lt: limit }},
{ $set: { pending: false, approved: false }}
// db.recommendations (one document per user per book)
book: ObjectId("…"),
user: ObjectId("…")
// Unique index ensures users can't recommend twice
{ book: 1, user: 1 },
{ unique: true }
// Count the number of recommendations for a book
db.recommendations.count({ book: ObjectId("…") });
{ _id: ObjectId("…") },
{ $inc: { recommendations: 1 }}
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
// Other fields follow…
> db.authors.findOne({ _id: 1 })
_id: 1,
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald"
book: 1,
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: {
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald"
// Other fields follow…
> db.authors.findOne()
_id: 1,
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald",
books: [1, 3, 20]
* Flexible and space-efficient
> db.books.find({ author: 1 })
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
slug: "9781857150193-the-great-gatsby",
author: 1,
// Other fields follow…
_id: 3,
title: "This Side of Paradise",
slug: "9780679447238-this-side-of-paradise",
author: 1,
// Other fields follow…
> db.authors.findOne()
_id: 1,
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald",
books: [
{ _id: 1, title: "The Great Gatsby" },
{ _id: 3, title: "This Side of Paradise" }
// Other fields follow…
Use `$slice` operator to return a subset of books
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
authors: [1, 5]
// Other fields follow…
> db.authors.findOne()
_id: 1,
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald",
books: [1, 3, 20]
db.books.find({ authors: 1 });
Query for all authors of a given book
db.authors.find({ books: 1 });
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 1,
title: "The Great Gatsby",
authors: [1, 5]
// Other fields follow…
> db.authors.find({ _id: { $in: [1, 5] }})
_id: 1,
first_name: "F. Scott",
last_name: "Fitzgerald"
_id: 5,
first_name: "Unknown",
last_name: "Co-author"
db.books.find({ authors: 1 });
Query for all authors of a given book
book = db.books.findOne(
{ title: "The Great Gatsby" },
{ authors: 1 }
db.authors.find({ _id: { $in: book.authors }});
// db.rec_ts (time series buckets, hour and minute sub-docs)
book: ObjectId("…"),
day: ISODate("2012-10-11T00:00:00.000Z")
total: 0,
hour: { "0": 0, "1": 0, /* … */ "23": 0 },
minute: { "0": 0, "1": 0, /* … */ "1439": 0 }
// Record a recommendation created one minute before midnight
{ book: ObjectId("…"), day: ISODate("2012-10-11T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ $inc: { total: 1, "hour.23": 1, "minute.1439": 1 }}
[0] [1] … [1439]
[0] [1] … [59]
[1380] … [1439]
// db.rec_ts (time series buckets, each hour a sub-doc)
book: ObjectId("…"),
day: ISODate("2012-10-11T00:00:00.000Z")
total: 148,
hour: {
"0": { total: 7, "0": 0, /* … */ "59": 2 },
"1": { total: 3, "60": 1, /* … */ "119": 0 },
// Other hours…
"23": { total: 12, "1380": 0, /* … */ "1439": 3 }
// Record a recommendation created one minute before midnight
{ book: ObjectId("…"), day: ISODate("2012-10-11T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ $inc: { total: 1, "": 1, "hour.23.1439": 1 }}
> db.books.findOne()
_id: 47,
title: "The Wizard Chase",
type: "series",
series_title: "The Wizard's Trilogy",
volume: 2
// Other fields follow…
Find all books that are part of a series
db.books.find({ type: "series" });
db.books.find({ series_title: { $exists: true }});
db.books.find({ volume: { $gt: 0 }});
db.books.ensureIndex({ series_title: 1 }, { sparse: true });
db.books.ensureIndex({ volume: 1 }, { sparse: true });
// db.user_recs (track user's remaining and given recommendations)
_id: "bob",
remaining: 8,
books: [3, 10]
// Record a recommendation if possible
{ _id: "bob", remaining: { $gt: 0 }, books: { $ne: 4 }},
{ $inc: { remaining: -1 }, $push: { books: 4 }}
> db.user_recs.findOne()
_id: "bob",
remaining: 7,
books: [3, 10, 4]
> db.book_refs.findOne()
{ book: 1,
referrers: [
{ domain: "", count: 4 },
{ domain: "", count: 1 }
{ book: 1, "referrers.domain": "" },
{ $inc: { "referrers.$.count": 1 }}
{ book: 1, "referrers.domain": "" },
{ $inc: { "referrers.$.count": 1 }}
> db.book_refs.findOne()
{ book: 1,
referrers: [
{ domain: "", count: 5 },
{ domain: "", count: 1 }
What if a new referring website is used?
> db.book_refs.findOne()
{ book: 1,
referrers: {
"google_com": 5,
"yahoo_com": 1
{ book: 1 },
{ $inc: { "referrers.bing_com": 1 }},
* Replace dots with underscores for key names
* Increment to add a new referring website
* Upsert in case this is the book's first referrer
db.runCommand({ addshard : "" });
db.runCommand({ enableSharding: "library" });
shardCollection: "library.books",
key: { _id : 1}
* Keys range from −∞ to +∞
* Ranges are stored as chunks{ _id: 35, title: "Call of the Wild" });{ _id: 40, title: "Tropic of Cancer" });{ _id: 45, title: "The Jungle" });{ _id: 50, title: "Of Mice and Men" });
(−∞, +∞)
(−∞, 40)
[40, +∞)
(−∞, 40)
[40, 50)
[50, +∞)
(−∞, 40)
[40, 50)
[50, 60)
[60, +∞)
db.runCommand({ addshard : "" });
(−∞, 40)
[50, 60)
[40, 50)
[60, +∞)
db.runCommand({ addshard : "" });
(−∞, 40)
[40, 50)
[60, +∞)
[50, 60)
image_id: ???
data: binary